Would it be because he is set to direct the remake of Footloose? This is misguided, yes. Evil? Not quite. Or maybe it's because he has single-handedly subjected millions of unsuspecting parents to Zac Efron? Sick, maybe? Calculating, hell yes! But not really the work of a mastermind.
Kenny's crime is one so vile and diabolical that it truly defies comprehension. We would have almost missed it but the memory is a funny thing. It is truly amazing what the mind will file away and then suddenly, without warning ... bam!!! Ladies and Gentleman I submit to you the first piece of evidence...
Over 25 years ago, Kenny set upon an unsuspecting world a music video that is widely regarded as the worse music video of all time ... that alone would be enough. Well I'm getting ahead of myself. Without further ado, the truly heinous "Rock Me Tonite"... try not to die laughing.
So I know you may never forgive me, but again I do this for your own good. As I said, this alone would be criminal enough but then you consider the next piece of evidence. Kenny would not only create a manic piece of white hot mess in this video, he would revisit this crime a quarter century later, this time the victim is (dun dun duuuuunnnn!!!!) our kids! Oh no he didn't! Yes, yes he did. You doubt me? The joke on you and Kenny is laughing ... hard.
I rest my case.
Yes. I know. It is so wrong. It proves the criminals like this can't be rehabilitated. Zac probably didn't know he was merely a pawn in a truly sinister plan. The choreography is eerily similar although Zac is certainly a better dancer. But damn. The randomness of it all makes the head spin. Billy marches around the room in a manner that could only be compared to a chicken with a meth addiction and Zac seemed to be venting but without benefit of GPS and yet he expertly covers all 18 holes on the golf course. IT'S SOOOO WRONG! So this next time your pre-teen makes you watch High School Musical 2, please remember this moment and help take a bite out of crime.
On a side note, Kenny was set to direct the Michael Jackson tour before his untimely death. He will be at the helm of This Is It, the Michael Jackson movie compiled from rehearsal footage. He may not atone for the crime laid out before you but at least he might be able to lessen the sting.
That is all. And thanks for reading, P.
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